Art Soirée



To organize Art Soirees, for a small group of people, to be able to discuss one work (or a work series) by the artist. Within this intimate format, the aim was to take the speed, in which we move normally during vernissages and viewings out of the equation, and to give create a specific moment in time. 



I want art to be poetry. Poetry! Art is poetry! People need poetry. That has been so from the beginning. Teaching is theology or philosophy or ethics. But not art. Art has always been poetry. And the best artists were always poets - everyone else was a craftsman. Jean-Christoph Amman 



To organize a dinner for 8 people in the studio of the artist, and to introduce the artist and leading the informal talk during the evening. The guest where consists of independent curators, museums curators, collectors and art interested guests. 


Research Panama


Research Cuba