Project management Ernesto Neto


Project management for Ernesto Neto. Assembleia MotherTree, a two-day assembly convened in the GaiaMotherTree tent curated by Daniela Zyman & Damian Christinger. Bringing together members from three different Amerindian families and traditions – the Huni Kuin, Yawanawa, and Tukano – with scholars from many parts of the world, as well as students, artists, activists, and ecological thinkers. Organizing their travels, accommodation and well-being during the stay in Zurich. Handling all financial aspects, budget planning, organizing and implementation of the administrative side of the two-day assembly. And finally, budget control and quality checks.


Morgen darf nicht gestern sein (“tomorrow can’t be yesterday”). Claudia Andujar


Organising budgets, financial plannings, preparing and organising travels, research and organising stays and private hosts and events. Mentoring production Helpers. Preparing welcome package for the two-day assembly. Delegates were:

Ernesto Neto (Artist, Brazil), Fabiano Maia Sales - Txanabane (Pajé, Brazil), Tadeu Mateus Kaxinawa - Siã Txana Hui bai (Pajé, Brazil), Daiara Figeroua - Tukano (Pajé, Brazil), Alvaro Fernandes Sampaio - Tukano (Pajé, Brazil), Raimundinha Luiza - Putanny (Pajé, Brazil), Delzimar Acrino Yawanawa - Peû (Pajé, Brazil), Biraci Brasil - Nixiwaka (Pajé, Brazil), Nitoo Das (Poet and Birder, India), Ernst Götsch (Agriculturalist and Activist, Brazil) Christian Parenti (Sociologist, USA), Maya Kóvskaya (Writer, Ecological Political Theorist, Thailand), David Kaiza (Writer, Uganda), Romina Vilar Lindeman (Huni Kuin guardian and activist, Brazil), Mauro Gandra (Huni Kuin guardian and activist, Brazil), Luiz Alberto Oliveira (Chief Curator, Museum of Tomorrow, Rio, Brazil), Geshe Thupten Jinpa (Philosopher and Translator, Canada), Emanuele Coccia (Philosopher, France), Fabio Rubio Scarano (Ecologist, Brazil), Jeremy Narby (Anthropologist, Switzerland and Canada), Monica Ursina Jäger (Artist), Clémentine Delisse (Anthropologist and Curator, Germany), Daniela Zyman (Chief Curator TBA21, Vienna)


Studio & Exhibition Visits Brazil


Art Soirée